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Understanding and Healing from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Do you feel blue as winter approaches? Do you struggle with wintertime sluggishness and feelings of depression? Does the change of seasons have a noticeably depressive effect on you or a loved one? If so, seasonal effective disorder—often termed SAD—might be the culprit. As with any mental health issue, exploring and understanding the root causes

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Familius Family Holiday Traditions

Every family is unique in their own special way—this includes holiday traditions. Some of us celebrate with our extended family, or maybe just our immediate family; still others have a small group of chosen friends who have become family. We celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and, yes, some of us even celebrate Festivus. However

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When the Holidays Hurt: Tips for Facing the Holidays While Grieving

Author Mary Potter Kenyon is a grief counselor and survivor. Read along as she shares her tips for getting through the holidays while grieving. I thought I’d done so well that first Christmas in 2012, after my first husband died. I’d managed to decorate the house, bake cut-out cookies, fill stockings, and purchase and wrap

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A Tribute to My Therapy: The Humble Cookie (and, Of Course, Cookie Baking)

It was a dark and stormy night . . . a perfect night for baking cookies! All of those words are not actually mine, but they unquestionably embody my sentiments: There are no miserable situations that cannot be made at least a little better by an adventurous stretch in the kitchen. Be it skinned knees, bruised feelings, or

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Navigating Body Image During the Holidays

In a society where multi-billion-dollar companies profit from our insecurities, we must actively work towards creating body-positive spaces to combat negative body image. On a good day, it’s important to practice habits that promote positive body image amongst your family, but during the holidays, it is critical. It is a time when marketers strategically plan

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6 Simple Back-to-School Tips to Protect Your Mental Health

After a hot and hectic summer, it’s time for students to head back to school. If thoughts of the previous school year have you breaking out in a sweat, you’re not alone. Parents and students all over the country are dealing with the challenge of returning to school amid inconsistent masking requirements, blended learning, and

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