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A girl wearing a harness balancing on a wooden plank.

Turning Gratitude into Confidence

Confidence, a steadfast belief in oneself, begins with gratitude. Read along to find out how being thankful can turn into healthy self-esteem. Confidence is the belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. It is a state of mind that empowers individuals to take on challenges, make decisions, and engage in activities with assurance and self-reliance.

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A father measuring the height of his son.

Supporting Children through Change: The 7 Most Common Childhood Transitions

A new sibling or a new school year, change is stressful for kids. With these tips, guide your child through the seven most common childhood transitions. Fear of change is right up there with fear of spiders—so many people struggle with it. And as hard as it is for adults to adapt to change, it’s

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A happy asian woman touching the belly of pregnant black woman.

Depression during Pregnancy: How to NOT Feel Like Your Life Is Over

You’ve heard about postpartum depression, but what about depression during pregnancy? Here are some strategies to help new moms feel better. I wanted a baby, didn’t I? But why do I feel like this? Now I’m pregnant, and I feel like my life is over. Feeling like your life is over during pregnancy can be

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A mother kissing her newborn.

5 Most Common Intrusive Thoughts Mothers Experience Postpartum

The postpartum experience comes with many new thoughts, some exciting and some scary, and these are the five most common types of intrusive thoughts. After giving birth to a new baby, a mother’s thoughts might sound like this: What if I drop him? What if I snap and hurt my baby? Mothering is so hard—I

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A woman lying on a bed while listening to music to take a break.

High Functioning Depression and Anxiety: 8 Signs That You Need a Break

Keep a finger on the pulse of your high functioning depression and anxiety with these signs and practical tips to help you take a break. Having high functioning depression or anxiety is like having all of the symptoms without the receipt. Many people often go undiagnosed because they are able to meet their responsibilities and

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A mother lying down on a bed with her new baby.

Is It Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?: 10 Ways to Tell

Most new moms experience the baby blues, but postpartum depression is becoming increasingly more common. What’s the difference, and what can you do? So, you’ve had a baby, but things aren’t quite what you expected. You keep waiting for the happiness to kick in, the joy of parenthood, but it doesn’t even seem to be

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A group of kids studying in the hallway at school.

Breaking Bad Habits Kids Bring Home from School

School is meant for learning, but sometimes kids learn bad habits instead. Use these tips to break those habits and build healthy friendships. There’s a quote from motivational speaker Jim Rohn that says we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. And for the most part, this is true.

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A family laughing together while playing on the floor.

10 Steps to Turn Your Child’s Crying into Laughter

Don’t know how to stop your child’s tears? Try turning crying into laughter. Because sometimes laughter really is the best medicine. Nothing feels worse than being unable to soothe your child’s tears. When they’re distressed and inconsolable, it feels like there’s nothing you can do. But perhaps laughter is just the medicine they need. Turning

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Mom and child dancing in the rain.

The Art of Dancing in the Rain: How to Laugh in Times of Adversity

The key to overcoming adversity is dancing in the rain. By finding joy in times of hardship, we can become healthier and happier. There are two ways to look at rainstorms: as an inconvenience, something to be feared, or as a nurturer, something that brings life and creates puddles to dance in. “Dancing in the

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