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A woman and a child planting seeds.

Five Fun Ways for Kids to Help in the Garden

Gardening is the perfect family activity—if only every kid were interested. To start your family on your gardening adventure, here are five simple and fun ways for kids to help in the garden this spring. There are dozens of benefits to gardening: fresh food, self-sufficiency, and physical exercise, to name a few. However, even greater […]

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How to Be Anxious and Calm

“Anxiety is a jab in the jaw for your attention,” says world champion surfer Shaun Tomson and best-selling author of The Surfer and the Sage: A Guide to Survive & Ride Life’s Waves. “It gets your heart beating, your senses tingling, and your body ready for action.” Tomson knows something about anxiety and calm. He

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Five Life Categories for Successful New Year Goals

The new year is upon us and most of us want to make 2023 a better year than 2022. We want to grow, become better, be more successful. But setting goals can be intimidating, especially if we have failed to reach some goals in the past. Breaking goals down into manageable areas helps. One concept

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Talking to Kids about Body Boundaries During the Holidays

If there are any silver linings to the pandemic, one might be that we have increased our use of consent-based social behavior. Before, if we accepted a social invitation, we might have asked questions like, “What can I bring?” or “Does anyone have food allergies?” Now we ask questions like: “Would you be more comfortable

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Hey, Mom. Worry Less in Four Simple Steps

I’ll never forget what my mom said right after I told her I was expecting my first child. She said, “Now, you’ll never have a worry-free day the rest of your life.” Gee, thanks, Mom. I thought she was wrong. Of course, I’m worried now; I’m pregnant. What if the baby isn’t moving enough? What

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How to Keep Your Partnership Steady After a Baby

Having a baby is hard on a relationship.But you can keep your partnership steady after having a baby! It seems that no matter how much they prepare, couples are often stunned by the absolute chaos that quickly descends upon them. While it’s hard to prepare for sleeplessness and ear-piercing cries, couples that anticipate some degree

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7 Top Tips for Helping Children Cope After Traumatic Events

As parents and caregivers, we have a primary instinct to protect our children from psychological and physical harm. When traumatic events arise—from school shootings to natural disasters—we often feel overwhelmed by confusion, anger, grief, numbness, and sadness. As the shock wears off, we want to have the skills to tend to our children with the

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