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Heal Together

A man carrying his son on his shoulders.

3 Negative Thoughts Parents Can Reframe Positively

Negative thoughts are natural but not useful. Give your family environment a new outlook by reframing these three negative thoughts. Parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it’s natural for thoughts to occasionally drift into negative territory. But what if we could reframe these negative thoughts into positive perspectives that not only

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A couple in yellow raincoats running on the shore chasing birds.

Do You Pass the Bird Test?: How Being Attentive Can Save Your Relationship

Failing the bird test doesn’t mean the end of your relationship. Instead, it’s the start of building a more attentive, connected relationship. It’s a misconception that relationships need grand gestures. Often, it’s the little things that matter, like getting excited over a bird. Are you being attentive in your relationship? Are you responding to your

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A father, mother, and child lying on a bed for their bedtime storytelling.

Improving Your Child’s Well-Being through Storytelling

We love telling and listening to stories, and they have so many great benefits for kids. But did you know that storytelling can also improve your child’s well-being? Books, musicals, plays, conversations—there are so many ways to tell stories. And here at Familius, we’re kind of obsessed with storytelling, and for good reason: storytelling can

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A happy couple resting together on a sofa and looking out the window.

10 Biggest Relationship Challenges That Couples Face

On your relationship journey, identify and prevent these ten most common relationship challenges to avoid the potholes and safely reach your destination: a happy family. Staying in love for the long haul can be a scary proposition because the road is often riddled with potholes. But if you’re aware of what lies ahead, you’ll have

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A girl saying positive affirmations to herself in the mirror.

Creating a Positive Affirmation Routine for Your Family

Positive affirmations are more than just a mantra; they’re an important part of your family’s daily routine. The more natural, the better. In today’s wellness-centered culture, people throw around the words positive affirmations all the time. But what exactly are they, and why should your family do them? In the extreme, affirmations are mantras or

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A family running together to reach their family fitness goals.

Family Fitness Goals: Turning Exercise into Quality Family Time

Not enough time for exercise and family? Kill two birds with one stone and turn family fitness into quality family time. Family life can get extremely busy. You barely have time for exercise, let alone quality family time. So why not do both? You can easily turn your family fitness goals into family time with

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