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Should Kids Use AI?

To AI or not to AI, that is the question you have to answer for your kids. Find your answer with these considerations and helpful tips.

From social media filters and music generators to ChatGPT and Google Labs, AI is everywhere. It’s found its way into our pockets, our homes, and even our classrooms. But is that a good thing?

As an editor and writer, I know these concerns clearly. So I’ve taken some time to explore AI for answers. Does AI save time, or does it make my work harder? What is the best way to use AI to get the results I want? Will AI ever be able to replace me?

It turns out, AI isn’t some magical solution that makes everything easier. It can certainly be a helpful tool, but there’s a trick to using it. And it absolutely, no question, needs a human behind it. For someone like me who knows the ins and outs of language, intellectual property, and critical thinking, this is no problem.

But it begs the question, Should kids use AI?

With AI’s remarkable capabilities to assist, automate, and enhance various tasks, we’ve come to the crossroads of traditional learning and cutting-edge technology. It’s only natural to wonder about the implications of allowing our children to embrace AI in their education and daily activities.

As with anything in life, there are pros and cons. To make your decision easier, I’ve compiled all the considerations you’ll ever need to know, plus some helpful tips for teaching kids to use AI responsibly.

To AI or not to AI, that is the question!

Benefits of Letting Kids Use AI

Integrating AI into education can offer several benefits for kids when used appropriately and responsibly:

Personalized Learning

AI can adapt to individual students’ learning styles, paces, and preferences. This personalization can help students grasp concepts more effectively and stay engaged in their studies.

Instant Access to Information

AI tools can quickly provide students with accurate and relevant information from a vast range of sources. This rapid access to knowledge can enhance learning efficiency and support research projects.

Enhanced Learning Materials

AI can assist in creating interactive and engaging learning materials such as videos, simulations, and interactive exercises, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Support for Special Needs

AI can be tailored to support students with disabilities or learning challenges. It can provide additional explanations, read text aloud, or adapt content to meet the individual needs of these students.

Efficient Assessment

AI-powered assessment tools can provide timely feedback on assignments and quizzes, helping students understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This can encourage self-directed learning and improvement.

Language Learning and Translation

AI language tools can aid students in learning new languages and translating content, expanding their global awareness and communication skills.

Time Management

AI tools can assist students in managing their time and schedules. They can remind students of upcoming assignments, exams, and study sessions, helping to develop effective time management skills.

Analyzing Large Data Sets

In subjects that involve analyzing large data sets, such as science experiments or social research, AI can help students process and interpret data more efficiently.

Creativity and Exploration

AI-powered tools can spark creativity by suggesting new ideas, topics, or approaches for projects and assignments, helping students explore beyond their usual perspectives.

Preparation for the Future

Familiarity with AI tools and technology is increasingly important in the modern world. Introducing kids to AI early can prepare them for a future where AI is likely to play a significant role across various industries.

Interactive Tutoring

AI-powered tutoring systems can provide individualized instruction, answering questions and offering explanations whenever students need assistance.

Global Collaboration

AI tools can facilitate collaborative projects among students from different geographical locations, fostering global collaboration and cultural awareness.

Engagement and Motivation

The use of AI tools can make learning more interactive and gamified, increasing students’ engagement and motivation to learn.

Drawbacks of Letting Kids Use AI

While integrating AI into education can offer numerous benefits, there are also several potential drawbacks and concerns associated with letting kids use AI for schoolwork:

Dependency on AI

Relying too heavily on AI for schoolwork might lead to a diminished ability to think critically, solve problems independently, and develop essential cognitive skills. If students become overly reliant on AI tools, they might struggle when faced with tasks that require creative thinking and human judgment.

Plagiarism and Originality

AI tools can provide information and generate content quickly, making it tempting for students to copy and paste without fully understanding the material. This can lead to plagiarism and a lack of originality in their work, hindering their learning and academic growth.

Shallow Understanding

Using AI to find answers may encourage students to seek quick solutions rather than diving deeply into subjects to gain a thorough understanding. This can hinder the development of critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to connect ideas and concepts.

Privacy and Data Security

Many AI platforms collect data on user behavior and interactions to improve their algorithms. Allowing kids to use AI tools in educational settings could raise concerns about the privacy and security of their personal information, especially if the data is used in ways that parents or guardians are unaware of or uncomfortable with.

Bias and Inaccuracy

AI systems are not perfect and can sometimes present biased or inaccurate information. Relying solely on AI-generated content might expose students to incorrect facts or skewed viewpoints. Teaching kids how to critically evaluate AI-generated information is crucial.

Reduced Social Interaction

Overuse of AI tools for schoolwork might lead to reduced social interaction among students. Collaborative learning, discussions, and debates are essential components of education that can be compromised if students work predominantly with AI.

Loss of Essential Skills

Skills such as handwriting, spelling, and mental arithmetic can be neglected if AI tools are used extensively. These skills, while they might seem old-fashioned, still play a role in cognitive development and can be useful in various situations.

Unreliable Technology

Technology can sometimes fail or be unavailable due to technical issues, maintenance, or connectivity problems. Depending solely on AI tools can create problems if these tools are not accessible when needed.

Reduced Engagement and Effort

If students perceive AI tools as a way to complete tasks effortlessly, they might not engage as deeply with their schoolwork or put in the effort required to master challenging subjects.

Tips for Helping Your Kids Use AI

To maximize the benefits and minimize the disadvantages of AI, it’s important to strike a balance between AI use and traditional learning methods. Since kids are still learning and growing, this requires parents (and possibly even educators) to actively participate in their kid’s AI journey. It might seem daunting and complex, but with these tips, it will actually be easier than you think:

Promote Originality

Emphasize the importance of original work and ideas. Teach kids not to rely solely on AI-generated content and to put effort into understanding and expressing concepts in their own words. Find every opportunity to prioritize learning over using AI!

Consider Using AI Only for Brainstorming

A great source of diverse information, AI is the perfect tool for learning. The key word being tool. Teach kids that AI should complement their learning and problem-solving abilities rather than replace them. Encourage them to try solving problems on their own before turning to AI. And when they do use AI, encourage them to use it only to gather new ideas and information rather than do all the work for them. Ask AI, “What are some tips?” NOT, “Write a 500-word essay.”

Set Time Limits

Help kids establish healthy technology habits by setting time limits for AI use. (The time kids spend on AI should only be a tiny little fraction of their learning time.) This can prevent overreliance on AI and encourage a balanced approach to learning.

Use AI Together

Explore AI tools and platforms with your kids. This hands-on approach can help demystify AI and make it feel like a collaborative learning experience.

Encourage Reviewing and Revising

The content an AI produces doesn’t have to be the be-all and end-all. And it shouldn’t! Tell your kids that it’s okay and even better if they improve the content AI gave them. Encourage your kids to review that content so that they understand it and to revise it however they want so that it’s not only original but true and accurate. (As a bonus, this will also help them develop a different set of skills.)

Reflect on Learning

After using AI for a task, encourage kids to reflect on what they learned and how the AI tool assisted them. Ask them whether they could have achieved the same result without AI.

Discuss Ethical Concerns

Discuss the ethical implications of AI, such as automation’s impact on jobs, privacy concerns, and bias in decision-making. Encourage kids to think about the broader consequences of technology use.

Respect Intellectual Property

Teach kids about copyright and plagiarism. Explain that while AI can assist in finding information, copying and pasting without proper attribution is not acceptable.

Address Bias and Diversity

Discuss the potential for bias in AI algorithms and how this bias can influence the information provided. Encourage kids to seek diverse perspectives and question any information that seems one-sided.

Model Responsible AI Use

Be a role model by using AI responsibly yourself. Demonstrate how to fact-check, critically evaluate information, and make ethical choices in technology use.

Encourage Creativity

Use AI tools that encourage creativity rather than solely providing answers. For instance, explore AI-generated art or music to inspire creative thinking. We want to use AI to expand kids’ knowledge and skills, and one of the best ways to do that is to introduce them to a wide variety of subjects and concepts.


Ultimately, the decision of whether to let kids use AI is not a black-and-white matter but rather a nuanced exploration that requires thoughtful consideration. Whatever you decide, our role is not merely to dictate usage but to empower our children to navigate the evolving landscape with confidence and wisdom. By fostering a balanced approach that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and ethical responsibility, we can equip our kids to harness AI as a tool for learning, growth, and innovation.

Need more tech advice? Check out these books.

Shaelyn Topolovec earned a BA in editing and publishing from BYU, worked on several online publications, and joined the Familius family. Shae is currently an editor and copywriter who lives in California’s Central Valley.

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