Stressed Out! For Parents
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Parenting is one of the most stressful fulltime jobs around. School, lessons, sports, homework, hormones, dinner, dishes. . . . Parents want to know how to be calm and enjoy these wonder years. Dr. Ben Bernstein, celebrated performance coach for CEOs, professional athletes, and musicians, takes on parents this time around in his book Stressed Out! For Parents. Focusing on his nine steps to optimize performance during stressful situations, Dr. B. teaches parents in clear, entertaining, and thoughtful writing how to be calm, confident, and focused in all that they do. So, say good-bye to anxiety and optimize your parenting performance today!
About Ben Bernstein
About Michelle H. Packard
Product Details
Page Count: 200
ISBN-10: 1939629314
ISBN-13: 9781939629319
Product Format: Trade Paperback