Chances are, you will visit a body of water bordered by sand at some point this summer, whether it’s the seaside or visiting the lake. At the very least, your kids will encounter a sandbox at the playground, or at a friend’s house, or maybe in your own backyard. Sand is too much fun to avoid altogether, but the fun is gone once it leaves its natural habitat and ends up in, say, your bed. That is something most of us wish to avoid altogether!
1. Mesh Bag DIY
Mesh is a wonderful material for the beach because sand usually can find its way out. Here is a cute and simple mesh bag tutorial from Between the Lines that you can make on your own! Mesh is a fantastically resilient material, and not only is it accommodating towards sand, but water as well. Additionally, it is see-through, which makes for a fast findsaving you time on searching for sunscreen so you can enjoy being with your family!
2. The Power of Baby Powder!
You’re probably familiar with this scenario: your hands are covered in sand, and the more you try to brush them clean, the more the sand seems to stick and sting your skin! Whether you are trying to free your own hands of sand so you can get lunch together, or help prevent your toddler from eating nothing but sand, there is a simple solution from home: baby powder! If you haven’t tried it yet, this is the best beach trick yet. Bring a small container of it with you, and when you need to be sand free, simply pour some baby powder into your hands and brush the sand away. It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’tit actually works really well!
3. Repurpose an Old Sheet
Before your car gets loaded up with all of your beach necessities, line the trunk (and maybe the seats, if you are feeling really serious about sand repelling) with an old sheet to prevent all of the sand that falls off of your chairs, cooler, umbrella, buckets and shovels at the end of the day from lodging in your car’s crevices. It’s a simple precaution, and may not eliminate the sand altogether, but is certainly worth the effort on the front end to avoid a ton of clean up later.
4. Create a “Final Rinse” Station at Home
As a last effort to eliminate any sand that has come all the way home on feet and in shoes, create a rinse-off station near the door you plan to enter the house through. Could it possibly be the door closest to the hose too? This is one clever idea we found on Pinterest that we especially love, but you can customize it however you want to. They suggest keeping the box somewhere that the sun can warm the stones, which may be helpful if sleepy beach-goers are ready to be in bed and out of the water. Be careful they don’t get as hot as the sand on a sunny day though!
5. Designate an Area for Sandy Stuff
The final step is to confine sand that will inevitably be dispelled from bathing suits and t-shirt pockets. Designate one area where your kids have to change out of their beach gear, and confine the sand to that area. It’s simple, but akin to the sheet idea. Preventative measures go a long way when it comes to keeping sand where it belongs!
Remember, despite your best efforts, sand in the car and on the floor may seem like a nuisance, but can also be considered one of the joys of summer. Whatever you do to eliminate the sand, keep in mind that a little sand where it doesn’t belong is okay as long as everyone is enjoying being together!
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