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Smiling baby dressed in a pumpkin Halloween costume.

11 Tips to Make Baby’s First Halloween Special

Your baby’s first Halloween isn’t only about adorable baby costumes. These eleven tips will give you and your baby the best first Halloween ever.

Tiny little costumes and loads of adorable pictures—your baby’s first Halloween is so special. It’s an unforgettable memory that you’ll savor as you raise your baby and grow your family. After all, you only get one first Halloween. But will your baby remember it?

To be honest, you’ll probably remember your baby’s first Halloween more than your baby will. But studies have proven that while babies might not be able to remember specifics after a certain period of time, events can still leave a lasting impression—a latent trace.

So whether you’re doing it for yourself or to give your baby a happy start to childhood, celebrating your baby’s first Halloween is an exciting part of starting your new family.

Here’s how you can make your baby’s first Halloween special—both for Baby and yourself.

1. Decorate at Home

Decorate your home with baby-friendly Halloween decorations like colorful balloons, non-scary decorations, and friendly pumpkins. This creates a festive atmosphere for your baby without being too spooky. (And be sure to make sure everything is still safe for Baby.)

2. Choose a Comfortable Costume

Select a costume that is comfortable and safe for your baby. Avoid costumes with small parts or choking hazards, and ensure that the costume doesn’t restrict your baby’s movement or breathing.

3. Keep It Simple

Babies don’t need elaborate costumes or decorations. Sometimes a cute onesie or simple costume with a hat or headband can be just as adorable and practical. And make sure to apply this principle to your own costume—babies might get scared if they can’t recognize your face!

4. Consider the Weather

Check the weather forecast for Halloween night and dress your baby accordingly. If it’s cold, layer their costume with warm clothing, or opt for a warmer costume. If it’s warm, choose a breathable outfit.

5. Plan a Daytime Activity

Babies may get fussy or tired in the evening, so consider planning a Halloween-themed activity during the day, such as a visit to a pumpkin patch or a Halloween playdate with other parents and babies.

6. Trick-or-Treat Early

If you decide to take your baby trick-or-treating, start early, before it gets too dark or late. This way, your baby can enjoy the festivities without becoming overtired.

7. Keep It Low-Key

Babies can be overwhelmed by noisy or crowded environments. Consider visiting friends or family for a low-key Halloween gathering, or go for a walk in your neighborhood to see the decorations.

8. Take Lots of Photos

This is a given, but I want to remind you anyway: take LOTS of photos. Capture every moment—you never know what’s going to be most special to you down the road. And you’ll cherish these memories in the years to come.

9. Be Mindful of Treats

If your baby is old enough for solid foods, be mindful of any candy or treats they might come across. Avoid giving them small, choking hazard-sized candies, and check for any food allergies before allowing them to sample any treats.

10. Put Safety First

If you plan to take your baby out, ensure their stroller or carrier is equipped with reflective materials or lights so they are visible to others. Also, check the safety of the neighborhood you plan to visit. The parking situation, traffic, and street safety can all impact your baby’s experience.

11. Relax and Enjoy

Remember that your baby’s first Halloween is more about creating memories and enjoying the experience together as a family than about elaborate costumes or activities. Keep it stress-free and focus on the joy of the moment—and the adorable baby costume!

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Shaelyn Topolovec earned a BA in editing and publishing from BYU, worked on several online publications, and joined the Familius family. Shae is currently an editor and copywriter who lives in California’s Central Valley.

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