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Talking Together: 3 Tips for Strengthening Family Ties

That was the last straw.  Your heart sinks as you think over the fight you’ve just had with your loved one. You were communicating one thing, but somehow your loved one perceived it differently. Maybe the distance is creeping in again, or the communication breakdown is gnawing at you. A lack of effective communication from time to time can set you at odds or even break a family up. Is it possible to communicate well with your loved one and stay on the same page? Can you prevent communication breakdown within your family from happening in the first place? Yes, you can. Start Talking Together and consider these 3 Tips for Strengthening Family Ties.

Families Need To Communicate or They Will Sink

Imagine a ship with several people in dangerous waters. Everyone is speaking in a foreign language, and no one understands each other. Can this boat survive a grueling storm? Most likely not. Your family is like this ship. The better you communicate, the more you thrive as a unit. When you talk together as a family, you build understanding. Whether it’s in the significant issues of life or just catching up on each other’s day, you express care. And that adds to the relational bank that keeps your family going. During more difficult times in the family, the goodwill and positive relationships you have built are what help you move towards reconciliation as a family. As such, you can’t underscore the power of positive communication in the home. 

Tips on Talking Together That Will Change Your Family Forever

There are different communication styles that a family can adopt, which have varied impacts. No matter what type you opt for as a family, your end goal must always be nurturing excellent communication. How exactly can you help your family thrive by talking together? 

1. Pick the Right Moment or Hold Your Peace

Whenever you communicate, it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Whatever is happening at the moment has an impact on how well you talk or not. To foster better communication, you need to pick the right moment. For example, if there’s a difficult conversation you desire to have with your partner, your timing is crucial. You should opt for a time in the day when both of you are calm and willing to listen. Bringing a heated topic up just before going to bed or when the kids are around and demanding your attention isn’t the best idea. More likely than not, the conversation will become more frustrating. 

2. Non-Verbal Cues Can Make Your Heart Sing

Have you ever conversed with someone where you felt they were saying one thing while their body language hinted at something else? Did that promote sincerity or caution? Non-verbal cues are vital in nurturing a healthy culture of communication within the home. When non-verbal cues match up with what a family member is saying, it encourages trust. You need to pay attention to body language – Whether it’s yours or a family member. Only then do you pick up on what your loved one is truly feeling? For example, when you’re having a conversation with a spouse or child, they may say one thing while their non-verbal cues point to something else. If you’re oblivious to this, you won’t have a useful conversation. 

3. Talking Is a Two-Way Street – Get on It

While it may sound rather elemental, positive communication is a two-way street. You have to be willing to be an honest conversationalist if you’re to talk together. What does that mean? You shouldn’t have conversations with family members where you’re waiting for them to finish so you can counter what they have said. Instead, you need to pay attention to their words. Listen to the emotion behind the words a loved one is saying and engage with that feeling. You’ll never regret it. 

A Family That Communicates Stays Together

Perhaps more than any other issue, how you communicate within the family sets the tone on the depth of relationships you’ll have as a tribe. When there’s a communication breakdown, it has the potential to strain family ties. Invest in learning the nuances of how to be a good communicator. You’ll inevitably take great strides in bringing your family closer through talking together. The family that communicates effectively will stay together. 

At Familius, family comes first. Explore these books that help families with communication.

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