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Singing a New Christmas Carol

The desire to write has been part of me for as long as I can remember. While still a child, I wrote songs—only in my head of course— I had no clue how to annotate them. Over the years, I have written pieces in a number of genres. Sometimes, the connections that occur with my writing and my life are surprising and make me believe that what I am doing is not only of worth, but it is what I am supposed to be doing. Ideas often build on one another, turning a completed project into something more valuable than I initially expected it to be.

Writing, and trying to share what I have written, is a challenge that never seems to let up for me.  And the successes, compared to the number of rejections I have received, are minimal if being published is the mark of success.  Still, I persist in taking an idea, fleshing it out and revising, revising, revising, until it is complete.

When I was working on Christmas Wonders, I recalled a song I had written years before. I found that song in my file and was surprised at how well it fit into the concept of my novel. With only a couple of word changes, it reflected both the name of the novel and the concept of the story. I wrote the song in 1991, decades before the idea for Christmas Wonders came to life. In fact, I wrote the song years before I even considered writing any books.

Familius printed my song at the end of the story. Please continue to turn pages after Lina’s last Wonder to find the music for “Christmas Wonders.” If you haven’t purchased your book yet, you can print out a copy of the song by clicking this link.

I hope “Christmas Wonders” adds another moment of joy to your family celebration. I would love to hear your family singing my song—it would be a very special Wonder for me. You may post a recording on our facebook page—Christmas Wonders.

I wish you a wonder-filled Christmas.

Click on the sheet music for the downloadable PDF version. You can print it and sing it with your family!

#SharetheWonder by visiting our facebook page—Christmas Wonders.
You’ll find activities for the family, updates on Robyn’s work, and a chance to win a free signed edition of Christmas Wonders!

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