
2022 Author Summit
Join us for a company update!

A recap of 2021 and a look into the future of Familius!

Join our webinar with the Familius sales and marketing team to learn about our sales and marketing plans for 2022. Our founder and CEO, Christopher Robbins, will also review our 2021 sales and company strategy for the future. 

Tuesday, January 25th @ 12 PM PT

Meet the speakers:

Christopher Robbins

Christopher Robbins

Christopher Robbins, the co-founder and CEO of Familius, will share what happened in 2021 and provide a preview of where the company will focus in 2022 and beyond as we work to fulfill our mission and increase our book sales throughout the world. 

Join Christopher as he reviews 2021 sales performance and discusses our distribution change with Hachette, the new three-season schedule, and discoverability investments. 

Ashley Marie Mireles

Ashley has been with the Familius team since 2016. She is currently overseeing our marketing team and working closely with our distributor to get your books in stores.

Join Ashley as she introduces our new marketing team members, recaps our B2C successes from 2021, and shares what we have planned for 2022. 

Ashley Mireles Bio Photo

Jaiden Wong

Jaiden is new to Familius and will be taking over for Kate. If you have anything that was outstanding with Kate, please reach out to Jaiden.
Join Jaiden as she discusses our upcoming marketing initiatives, her role at Familius, and what you can do for marketing if your book hasn’t come out yet.

Adina Oberman

Adina joined the Familius team in 2021 as a Marketing Intern and now oversees our Social Media and Affiliate Marketing Programs. 

Join Adina as she explains our current affiliate and influencer marketing strategy and discusses how you can help her social media marketing efforts! 


McKay Rappleyea

Mckay is new to Familius, and will be overseeing video and marketing content within the company.

Join McKay as they discuss their role in the company and some of the content they create to help promote our authors.

2022 Author Sumit

Register today and be sure to include any questions you want us to answer in your registration information!

Register now to join us live, Monday, December 21, at 11AM PT

Tuesday, January 25th
@ 12 PM PT

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